
Fourteen Plant Protection Frontier Series of Academic Reports
Date:2018-12-14     View:

Report: Ubiquitination and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of the innate immune resistance in rice
Speaker: Professor Wang Guoliang, Ohio State University
Time : 23 December 2013, 14:00
Location: 201, Plant Protection Building
Contact: Sun Wenxian (62733532)

Professor Wang Guoliang, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Plant Protection , Chief Scientist , National “People Plan ” expert, professor of Ohio State University. He got his PhD at International Rice Research Institute obtained (IRRI) at 1992, and he currently is engaging in plant biology and functional studies of molecular genome of rice disease resistance , disease resistance gene cloning in rice and he has obtained remarkable achievements in rice pathogen interaction molecular mechanism. Recently he is focus on ubiquitination and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of the innate immune resistance in rice areas. In Science, Plant Cell, Nature and PNAS and other international authoritative academic journals published more than 120 papers, cited by SCI nearly 9600 times; 7 times internationally patented. For outstanding contribution to the mechanism of plant disease resistance aspects, he was elected to the American Phytopathological Society Fellow (Fellow) at 2012. He was rewarded as a senior scientist at Ohio Distinguished Achievement Award at 2013. In addition, he also served at U.S. National Science Foundation, a member of U.S. Department of Agriculture projects; a member of China National Natural Science Foundation of China Overseas evaluation, experts of Plant Physiology, editorial of Journal of Plant Biology and Rice magazine.
